Post by Toronto Maple Leafs on Feb 7, 2020 15:04:08 GMT -5
3 v. 7 Final
Scoring Summary
1st Period
3:01Leetch 92 PPG (Nicholls 89, Turcotte 84)
8:15Guerin 89 (Pivonka 86, Johansson 79)
2nd Period
2:09Elynuik 80 (Unassisted)
11:03Millen 79 (Sheppard 84, Patrick 83)
11:15Leach 78 (Semenov 80, Carson 83)
16:03Kisio 80 (Leetch 92, King 79)
3rd Period
0:59Weight 90 (Zhitnik 85, Nicholls 89)
8:01Domi 80 (Kisio 80, Wilson 85)
17:16Weight 90 (Turcotte 84)
18:05Larmer 88 (A. Miller 79, Nicholls 89)
Penalty Summary
1st Period
1:03Guerin 89 Hooking (Minor)
2nd Period
No Penalties
3rd Period
19:34Druce 80 Hooking (Minor)
9 v. 7 Final
Scoring Summary
1st Period
2:06Trottier 88 (Howe 85, Eklund 86)
7:40Nolan 90 (Makarov 88, Yzerman 94)
14:47Makarov 88 (Unassisted)
18:01Robinson 87 (Renberg 83, MacInnis 93)
18:58Stastny 90 (Howe 85)
19:25Shannon 79 (Kovalenko 80, Klima 86)
2nd Period
3:19Tocchet 84 (T. Kerr 83, Konstantinov 83)
3:31Probert 80 (Sillinger 79, Chiasson 81)
4:20Yzerman 94 (Makarov 88, Beukeboom 81)
7:54Lidstrom 94 PPG (Chiasson 81, Kovalenko 80)
8:34Konstantinov 83 (Trottier 88, Leeman 86)
3rd Period
11:26T. Kerr 83 (Kamensky 86, Tocchet 84)
11:41Probert 80 (Unassisted)
12:44MacInnis 93 (Robinson 87)
16:55Ricci 82 (Unassisted)
19:58Leeman 86 ENG (Unassisted)
Penalty Summary
1st Period
No Penalties
2nd Period
7:21Kamensky 86 Hooking (Minor)
13:33Makarov 88 Hooking (Minor)
15:43Klima 86 Tripping (Minor)
3rd Period
8:56Klima 86 Hooking (Minor)
5 v. 1 Final
Scoring Summary
1st Period
4:14McGill 78 PPG (Manson 80, Nieuwendyk 90)
14:41Kozlov 87 (Yawney 78, Goulet 90)
19:12Goulet 90 (Nieuwendyk 90, Zubov 89)
2nd Period
2:36Shaw 74 PPG (Mogilny 90, Ruuttu 80)
16:16Graham 81 (Creighton 79)
18:17Poulin 80 (Goulet 90, Zubov 89)
3rd Period
No Goals
Penalty Summary
1st Period
2:35Hogue 82 Tripping (Minor)
2nd Period
1:47Nieuwendyk 90 Roughing (Minor)
13:28Vukota 76 Slashing (Minor)
3rd Period
No Penalties
7 v. 5 Final
Scoring Summary
1st Period
8:37Fedorov 93 (Matteau 80, Lowe 84)
11:32Draper 80 (Ellett 83, Carlyle 82)
11:56Kypreos 79 (Draper 80, Buchberger 80)
2nd Period
5:29Ramage 81 (Nylander 87, Damphousse 89)
7:33Nylander 87 PPG (Ramage 81, Damphousse 89)
18:31Fedorov 93 (Gill 81)
3rd Period
6:18Nylander 87 (Ramage 81, Damphousse 89)
14:52Kypreos 79 (Housley 90, Buchberger 80)
15:22Ramage 81 (Dawe 82, Reichel 84)
18:57Tkachuk 89 (Murray 86, Selanne 94)
19:10Selanne 94 (Numminen 83, Murray 86)
19:34Sacco 78 ENG (Reichel 84, Dawe 82)
Penalty Summary
1st Period
No Penalties
2nd Period
6:28Housley 90 Slashing (Minor)
3rd Period
No Penalties
4 v. 1 Final
Scoring Summary
1st Period
0:53Stumpel 87 (Ronning 87, Yushkevich 83)
13:53Modry 80 (Tinordi 82, Dahlen 82)
14:22Sundstrom 81 (Ronning 87, Stumpel 87)
2nd Period
3:39Ronning 87 (Czerkawski 83, Vujtek 79)
3rd Period
18:24Francis 92 (Emerson 81, Campbell 80)
Penalty Summary
1st Period
No Penalties
2nd Period
No Penalties
3rd Period
3:17Hunter 84 Holding (Minor)
5 v. 9 Final
Scoring Summary
1st Period
10:45Cunneyworth 80 (Blake 90)
13:28Larionov 87 (Lefebvre 81, Linden 90)
2nd Period
4:12Krushelnyski 79 (Blake 90, Cunneyworth 80)
14:10MacLean 87 (Blake 90)
16:18Simpson 80 (Carpenter 84, Poulin 82)
3rd Period
4:52Lidster 80 (Kron 78, Quinn 80)
5:27Skrudland 79 (Lidster 80, Bozek 78)
7:37Quinn 80 (Staios 81, Larionov 87)
13:00Janney 87 (Sandstrom 87, Hrudey 87)
14:08Blake 90 (Poulin 82)
14:38Nedved 84 (Quinn 80)
16:32Robitaille 90 (Neely 90, Kyte 78)
16:49Neely 90 (Robitaille 90, Gretzky 97)
18:49Gretzky 97 PPG (Neely 90, Hrudey 87)
Penalty Summary
1st Period
2:44Capuano 80 Cross-Checking (Minor)
2nd Period
No Penalties
3rd Period
2:47Capuano 80 Interference (Minor)
18:38Capuano 80 Tripping (Minor)
5 v. 4 Final
Scoring Summary
1st Period
0:48Vaive 88 (Courtnall 86, Cullimore 80)
4:01Brown 85 (Cassels 84, Gelinas 83)
2nd Period
7:59LaFontaine 92 (Hayward 83)
10:29Tikkanen 87 (Richer 87, Courtnall 87)
12:34Brown 79 (Fergus 77, McInnis 78)
13:24Vaive 88 (Savard 90, Courtnall 86)
15:45Adams 81 (Propp 84, Babych 84)
3rd Period
5:34Vaske 77 SHG (Reekie 78, Brown 79)
16:21Ranheim 79 PPG (Chorske 79)
Penalty Summary
1st Period
18:41Norton 79 Holding (Minor)
2nd Period
No Penalties
3rd Period
4:59McInnis 78 High-Sticking (Minor)
15:13Cullimore 80 Roughing (Minor)
7 v. 2 Final
Scoring Summary
1st Period
0:13Ciccarelli 91 (Holik 87, Verbeek 87)
1:57Desjardins 83 (Ferraro 87, Samuelsson 81)
11:47Samuelsson 79 (Burridge 80, Klatt 78)
14:27Ferraro 87 (Desjardins 83)
2nd Period
2:42Tomlak 78 (Unassisted)
16:27Pellerin 78 PPG (Messier 95, Klemm 81)
3rd Period
4:26Bergevin 78 (Evason 78, Cyr 78)
4:49Ciccarelli 91 (Verbeek 87)
7:07Ferraro 87 (N. Broten 83, Desjardins 83)
Penalty Summary
1st Period
4:23Simon 77 Delay of Game (Minor)
2nd Period
4:10Cyr 78 Hooking (Minor)
10:35Murphy 83 Interference (Minor)
10:56Klatt 78 Game Misconduct (Game)
10:56Klatt 78 Interference (Major)
15:48Dineen 87 Tripping (Minor)
3rd Period
1:18Sydor 85 High-Sticking (Minor)
7:40Cote 78 Tripping (Minor)
6 v. 4 Final
Scoring Summary
1st Period
2:21Brind Amour 89 (Schneider 85, Primeau 87)
5:41Brind Amour 89 (Lemieux 90, Primeau 87)
8:17Oates 90 SHG (Unassisted)
12:24Mellanby 83 PPG (Clark 87, Lindros 92)
13:36Gilmour 93 PPG (Volek 80, Harlock 77)
2nd Period
8:24Volek 80 (King 81, P. Cavallini 79)
3rd Period
1:52LeClair 87 (Cullen 85, Conroy 84)
2:40Lawrence 79 (Wright 79, Gardiner 80)
9:57Craven 82 (Falloon 84, Johansson 82)
20:00Lemieux 90 SH,ENG (Unassisted)
Penalty Summary
1st Period
7:44Wright 79 Roughing (Minor)
10:41Gardiner 80 Tripping (Minor)
12:54LeClair 87 Tripping (Minor)
2nd Period
18:33Lindros 92 Tripping (Minor)
3rd Period
18:14Ozolinsh 86 Holding (Minor)
Scoring Summary
1st Period
3:01Leetch 92 PPG (Nicholls 89, Turcotte 84)
8:15Guerin 89 (Pivonka 86, Johansson 79)
2nd Period
2:09Elynuik 80 (Unassisted)
11:03Millen 79 (Sheppard 84, Patrick 83)
11:15Leach 78 (Semenov 80, Carson 83)
16:03Kisio 80 (Leetch 92, King 79)
3rd Period
0:59Weight 90 (Zhitnik 85, Nicholls 89)
8:01Domi 80 (Kisio 80, Wilson 85)
17:16Weight 90 (Turcotte 84)
18:05Larmer 88 (A. Miller 79, Nicholls 89)
Penalty Summary
1st Period
1:03Guerin 89 Hooking (Minor)
2nd Period
No Penalties
3rd Period
19:34Druce 80 Hooking (Minor)
9 v. 7 Final
Scoring Summary
1st Period
2:06Trottier 88 (Howe 85, Eklund 86)
7:40Nolan 90 (Makarov 88, Yzerman 94)
14:47Makarov 88 (Unassisted)
18:01Robinson 87 (Renberg 83, MacInnis 93)
18:58Stastny 90 (Howe 85)
19:25Shannon 79 (Kovalenko 80, Klima 86)
2nd Period
3:19Tocchet 84 (T. Kerr 83, Konstantinov 83)
3:31Probert 80 (Sillinger 79, Chiasson 81)
4:20Yzerman 94 (Makarov 88, Beukeboom 81)
7:54Lidstrom 94 PPG (Chiasson 81, Kovalenko 80)
8:34Konstantinov 83 (Trottier 88, Leeman 86)
3rd Period
11:26T. Kerr 83 (Kamensky 86, Tocchet 84)
11:41Probert 80 (Unassisted)
12:44MacInnis 93 (Robinson 87)
16:55Ricci 82 (Unassisted)
19:58Leeman 86 ENG (Unassisted)
Penalty Summary
1st Period
No Penalties
2nd Period
7:21Kamensky 86 Hooking (Minor)
13:33Makarov 88 Hooking (Minor)
15:43Klima 86 Tripping (Minor)
3rd Period
8:56Klima 86 Hooking (Minor)
5 v. 1 Final
Scoring Summary
1st Period
4:14McGill 78 PPG (Manson 80, Nieuwendyk 90)
14:41Kozlov 87 (Yawney 78, Goulet 90)
19:12Goulet 90 (Nieuwendyk 90, Zubov 89)
2nd Period
2:36Shaw 74 PPG (Mogilny 90, Ruuttu 80)
16:16Graham 81 (Creighton 79)
18:17Poulin 80 (Goulet 90, Zubov 89)
3rd Period
No Goals
Penalty Summary
1st Period
2:35Hogue 82 Tripping (Minor)
2nd Period
1:47Nieuwendyk 90 Roughing (Minor)
13:28Vukota 76 Slashing (Minor)
3rd Period
No Penalties
7 v. 5 Final
Scoring Summary
1st Period
8:37Fedorov 93 (Matteau 80, Lowe 84)
11:32Draper 80 (Ellett 83, Carlyle 82)
11:56Kypreos 79 (Draper 80, Buchberger 80)
2nd Period
5:29Ramage 81 (Nylander 87, Damphousse 89)
7:33Nylander 87 PPG (Ramage 81, Damphousse 89)
18:31Fedorov 93 (Gill 81)
3rd Period
6:18Nylander 87 (Ramage 81, Damphousse 89)
14:52Kypreos 79 (Housley 90, Buchberger 80)
15:22Ramage 81 (Dawe 82, Reichel 84)
18:57Tkachuk 89 (Murray 86, Selanne 94)
19:10Selanne 94 (Numminen 83, Murray 86)
19:34Sacco 78 ENG (Reichel 84, Dawe 82)
Penalty Summary
1st Period
No Penalties
2nd Period
6:28Housley 90 Slashing (Minor)
3rd Period
No Penalties
4 v. 1 Final
Scoring Summary
1st Period
0:53Stumpel 87 (Ronning 87, Yushkevich 83)
13:53Modry 80 (Tinordi 82, Dahlen 82)
14:22Sundstrom 81 (Ronning 87, Stumpel 87)
2nd Period
3:39Ronning 87 (Czerkawski 83, Vujtek 79)
3rd Period
18:24Francis 92 (Emerson 81, Campbell 80)
Penalty Summary
1st Period
No Penalties
2nd Period
No Penalties
3rd Period
3:17Hunter 84 Holding (Minor)
5 v. 9 Final
Scoring Summary
1st Period
10:45Cunneyworth 80 (Blake 90)
13:28Larionov 87 (Lefebvre 81, Linden 90)
2nd Period
4:12Krushelnyski 79 (Blake 90, Cunneyworth 80)
14:10MacLean 87 (Blake 90)
16:18Simpson 80 (Carpenter 84, Poulin 82)
3rd Period
4:52Lidster 80 (Kron 78, Quinn 80)
5:27Skrudland 79 (Lidster 80, Bozek 78)
7:37Quinn 80 (Staios 81, Larionov 87)
13:00Janney 87 (Sandstrom 87, Hrudey 87)
14:08Blake 90 (Poulin 82)
14:38Nedved 84 (Quinn 80)
16:32Robitaille 90 (Neely 90, Kyte 78)
16:49Neely 90 (Robitaille 90, Gretzky 97)
18:49Gretzky 97 PPG (Neely 90, Hrudey 87)
Penalty Summary
1st Period
2:44Capuano 80 Cross-Checking (Minor)
2nd Period
No Penalties
3rd Period
2:47Capuano 80 Interference (Minor)
18:38Capuano 80 Tripping (Minor)
5 v. 4 Final
Scoring Summary
1st Period
0:48Vaive 88 (Courtnall 86, Cullimore 80)
4:01Brown 85 (Cassels 84, Gelinas 83)
2nd Period
7:59LaFontaine 92 (Hayward 83)
10:29Tikkanen 87 (Richer 87, Courtnall 87)
12:34Brown 79 (Fergus 77, McInnis 78)
13:24Vaive 88 (Savard 90, Courtnall 86)
15:45Adams 81 (Propp 84, Babych 84)
3rd Period
5:34Vaske 77 SHG (Reekie 78, Brown 79)
16:21Ranheim 79 PPG (Chorske 79)
Penalty Summary
1st Period
18:41Norton 79 Holding (Minor)
2nd Period
No Penalties
3rd Period
4:59McInnis 78 High-Sticking (Minor)
15:13Cullimore 80 Roughing (Minor)
7 v. 2 Final
Scoring Summary
1st Period
0:13Ciccarelli 91 (Holik 87, Verbeek 87)
1:57Desjardins 83 (Ferraro 87, Samuelsson 81)
11:47Samuelsson 79 (Burridge 80, Klatt 78)
14:27Ferraro 87 (Desjardins 83)
2nd Period
2:42Tomlak 78 (Unassisted)
16:27Pellerin 78 PPG (Messier 95, Klemm 81)
3rd Period
4:26Bergevin 78 (Evason 78, Cyr 78)
4:49Ciccarelli 91 (Verbeek 87)
7:07Ferraro 87 (N. Broten 83, Desjardins 83)
Penalty Summary
1st Period
4:23Simon 77 Delay of Game (Minor)
2nd Period
4:10Cyr 78 Hooking (Minor)
10:35Murphy 83 Interference (Minor)
10:56Klatt 78 Game Misconduct (Game)
10:56Klatt 78 Interference (Major)
15:48Dineen 87 Tripping (Minor)
3rd Period
1:18Sydor 85 High-Sticking (Minor)
7:40Cote 78 Tripping (Minor)
6 v. 4 Final
Scoring Summary
1st Period
2:21Brind Amour 89 (Schneider 85, Primeau 87)
5:41Brind Amour 89 (Lemieux 90, Primeau 87)
8:17Oates 90 SHG (Unassisted)
12:24Mellanby 83 PPG (Clark 87, Lindros 92)
13:36Gilmour 93 PPG (Volek 80, Harlock 77)
2nd Period
8:24Volek 80 (King 81, P. Cavallini 79)
3rd Period
1:52LeClair 87 (Cullen 85, Conroy 84)
2:40Lawrence 79 (Wright 79, Gardiner 80)
9:57Craven 82 (Falloon 84, Johansson 82)
20:00Lemieux 90 SH,ENG (Unassisted)
Penalty Summary
1st Period
7:44Wright 79 Roughing (Minor)
10:41Gardiner 80 Tripping (Minor)
12:54LeClair 87 Tripping (Minor)
2nd Period
18:33Lindros 92 Tripping (Minor)
3rd Period
18:14Ozolinsh 86 Holding (Minor)